Bio identical Hormone treatment Provo, UT

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can provide life-changing relief from troublesome menopause or andropause symptoms. Hormone Harmony Clinic specializes in customized bioidentical hormones treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Read on to learn more about how bioidentical hormone therapy could help you feel like yourself again.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical versions of the hormones naturally produced by the human body. That means they are recognized by your body just like your intrinsic hormones. Common bioidentical hormones used in replacement therapy include:

The key difference between bioidentical hormone therapy and conventional hormone replacement is that bioidenticals are customized based on your hormonal levels and needs. This personalized approach makes them safer and more effective for most people.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we use only pharmacy-grade bioidentical hormones in creams, gels, pellets, and patches. We never use synthetic or non-bioidentical versions of these crucial hormones.

Our services

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

There are many potential benefits associated with bioidentical hormone replacement:

Relief of Symptoms

Bioidentical hormone therapy is often tremendously helpful at relieving uncomfortable signs and symptoms of menopause or andropause. Common benefits include relief from:

Protection From Conditions

Balancing your hormones with bioidentical therapy may also provide some protection against developing certain conditions, including:

The Women's Health Initiative study found that non-bioidentical forms of hormone replacement actually increased some health risks for women. But multiple studies show bioidentical hormones do not increase these disease risks - and may even lower them.

Improved Quality of Life

In addition to symptom relief, many patients report noticeable improvements in their overall quality of life. These include better energy levels, increased productivity, improved sleep quality, enhanced libido, and better emotional wellbeing.

Bioidentical hormone therapy allows both men and women to regain optimal balance of crucial hormones. This allows you to get back to feeling more joyful, focused and like your usual self again.

Feel like yourself again with customized BHRT.

Am I a Candidate for Bioidentical HRT?

If you relate to any of the following signs or symptoms, bioidentical hormone replacement could be a good option:

Menopause Symptoms

Andropause Symptoms

Other Symptoms

Keep in mind menopause typically begins between ages 45 and 55 for most women. Andropause can start as early as 40 years old for men. Don't delay if you are experiencing multiple concerns – get tested to see if treatment could help regain your vitality.

The physicians at Hormone Harmony Clinic specialize in relieving troublesome menopause and andropause symptoms using customized bioidentical hormone therapy programs. We also treat thyroid disorders and other hormonal imbalances using a patient-centered approach.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Bioidentical HRT Process

If you are wondering what to expect at your first appointments at Hormone Harmony Clinic, here is an overview of our bioidentical hormone replacement process:

Initial Consultation

Your first meeting with us revolves around listening and learning about your unique health history and concerns. Be prepared to:

Based on your symptoms and history, your physician will determine appropriate lab testing to uncover any hormone imbalances or deficiencies. They will also make note of any relevant medications or existing conditions to factor into your treatment plan.

Diagnostic Lab Testing

Comprehensive lab testing is crucial for developing a customized bioidentical hormone therapy plan. We use advanced tests to measure levels of hormones like:

Understanding your individual hormone levels allows us to identify any imbalances or deficiencies contributing to your symptoms. Testing may require multiple blood draws performed at specific times throughout your menstrual cycle for accurate baselines.

Review Results & Create Treatment Plan

Once your lab results are in, you will schedule a follow-up appointment to review and discuss them thoroughly. Your physician will interpret your results, make clinical diagnoses, explain what is causing your symptoms, and answer all of your questions.

You will work together to create a treatment plan involving bioidentical hormone prescriptions tailored to your body and its needs.

Follow-Up & Adjustments

Approximately 4-8 weeks after beginning your customized bioidentical hormone regimen, we will recheck your hormone levels to evaluate progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Follow-up appointments continue every 4-12 weeks until optimal hormonal balance and symptom relief are achieved – and maintained. We partner with you throughout treatment until all your wellness goals are met.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. However, some women report preferring bioidenticals because they come from plant sources, allowing more customization of dosing and delivery method.

Types of Bioidentical Hormones We Offer

There are multiple safe and effective methods for replenishing crucial bioidentical hormones. We provide all of these forms of treatment at Hormone Harmony Clinic:

Estrogen & Progesterone Creams

Transdermal creams containing estrogen, progesterone or both can restore optimal levels of these vital hormones when natural production declines during perimenopause and menopause. This often relieves many uncomfortable symptoms. Creams easily absorb through skin when applied to soft areas like the wrists, chest, inner arms or thighs. Effects start working within a few days.

Testosterone Creams

Both men and women rely on healthy testosterone levels to regulate metabolism and sex drive, among other things. Creams can safely increase testosterone that is lagging too low. Women use much smaller doses than men to achieve balance without excess. Testosterone creams work similarly to estrogen and progesterone preparations.

Pellet Implants

Pellet implants placed under the skin steadily release bioidentical hormones over 4-6 months. This "set it and forget it" method provides consistent doses without needing to apply gels or creams daily. We use only the highest quality compressed pellets made from yams or soy plants in laboratory conditions. The minor placement procedure is done right our office. Pellets dissolve completely on their own by the time your next round is due. They are very convenient for those who want infrequent dosing.

Thyroid Medications

Thyroid issues like hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease are quite common - especially among women over 35. We prescribe customized preparations of thyroid hormones T3 and T4 to restore optimal metabolism, energy levels, and other thyroid-related functions when indicated by testing.

Other Bioidentical Hormones

In some cases, we may prescribe bioidentical versions of other lacking hormones like DHEA or growth hormone based on deficiency. We will discuss all options that may help resolve your uncomfortable signs and symptoms.

No matter which type or types of bioidentical hormones you require, our goal is always safe, effective treatment leading to a balanced state of wellness. We recognize that each patient is biochemically unique and tailor plans accordingly.

Experience the life-changing relief of bioidentical hormone therapy.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Difference

What sets Hormone Harmony Clinic apart from other anti-aging or hormone therapy clinics? Here’s what you can expect:

Customized Treatment Plans

We prescribe individualized bioidentical hormone regimens based on your:

One-size-fits all approaches rarely lead to optimal results or patient satisfaction.

Pharmacy-Grade Hormones

The bioidentical preparations we provide are sourced from professional compounding pharmacies that make customized treatments. They use high-quality hormones and rigorous quality control for safety and consistency. We work closely with our pharmacists to calibrate your dosing appropriately.

Ongoing Support

Frequent follow-up appointments and lab testing allows us to make adjustments so your treatment plan remains ideal over time. We will not dismiss your concerns or tell you to simply get used to uncomfortable symptoms. Our goal is helping you live your best life!

Holistic Wellness Focus

Hormones act in harmony with other critical body systems that must also be balanced. We help patients implement tailored fitness guidance, nutritional strategies, stress reduction, and other holistic health tactics alongside bioidentical therapy. Restoring wellness requires a whole person perspective.

If you have struggled enough with menopause, andropause or other hormone-related symptoms, contact Hormone Harmony Clinic today. Our experts can help you finally find relief and renewal!

Regarding Insurance Coverage

We are committed to making bioidentical hormone replacement affordable and accessible. Hormone Harmony Clinic accepts most major insurance plans. Depending on your specific policy benefits, treatment may be partially or fully covered. We have staff members who gladly verify your precise coverage details. If insurance does not cover our services for any reason, we offer competitive self-pay rates. Financing options are also available. We will work closely with you on payment logistics. Your wellbeing comes first!

Bioidentical Hormone FAQs

Are bioidentical hormones safe?

Yes, bioidentical hormones have an exceptional safety profile when expertly dosed because they are identical on a molecular level to what your body produces naturally. We use great care in customizing treatment regimens for optimal safety and efficacy.

Do I really need hormone testing before starting treatment?

Lab testing is strongly recommended because it allows us to accurately calibrate your bioidentical hormone dosage for best results. We want to give you the precise blend needed - not too little or too much. Testing determines this.

How quickly will I feel better once treatment begins?

Most patients report initial improvements within a few weeks. However full benefits often take 2-3 months as your customized bioidentical hormones restore optimal balance within your body’s intricate hormone network. Patience is key.

Do hormone pellets cause weight gain?

No. While non-bioidentical forms may increase weight, our pure bioidentical hormones are the exact composition your body understands. Thus, they normalize weight regulation. Some patients actually lose stubborn pounds with treatment thanks to boosted metabolism.

Local Lifestyle Recommendations

We want your experience receiving bioidentical hormone therapy in Provo to be as pleasant and stress-free as possible. Here are some of our favorite local establishments that can enhance your everyday wellness while undergoing treatment:

Mountain Vista Medical Spa – This premier spa helps patients pamper themselves with relaxing massages, skin treatments, body contouring and more while restoring hormonal balance.

Wind River Trail – Provo offers gorgeous outdoor spaces like this moderate hiking route through nature to lower cortisol levels amid treatment.

The Chocolate – Recovery is sweat, but don’t skip dessert! Grab a hot cocoa or tasty gelato from this charming shop.

Courtyard Marriott Provo – Recommend out-of-town guests treat themselves to a comfortable stay at this charming hotel complete with pool, hot tub and free shuttle service.

We hope these local gems give you something extra to look forward to as you journey toward revitalized wellness with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Please reach out with any other questions about what to expect or how to prepare. It is our pleasure to help!

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